Sindhi Association of North America


Press Releases

Austin, TX – USA


SANA sees the so-called peace deal about Karachi with suspicion

Austin, Texas, August 17, 2020 – Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) cautiously watches the peace deal between three parties in Sindh brokered by an Army general. Negotiating deals between competing political parties does not exactly fall in the realm of responsibilities assigned to the Army by the Constitution of Pakistan, SANA reminds.

In the backdrop of continued rumors regarding federal government’s designs to secede Karachi from Sindh and make it a part of federal territory, the agreement between PPP, PTI and MQM becomes highly suspicious and raises a lot of questions.

The devious statements by the federal ministers of PTI about Karachi, the statement of the Attorney General of Pakistan in the Supreme Court of Pakistan that various options concerning Karachi were under consideration by the federal government and subsequent remarks by the honorable Chief Justice of Pakistan as to why Karachi not be made a part of the federal territory are indicative that something is being cooked to deprive Sindh of its capital yet once again.

The foray of a large contingent of military under a general officer into Karachi under the garb of sewerage cleaning and a subsequent wholesale outbreak of enforced disappearances of Sindhi youth only pay credence to the rumors that some conspiracies are afoot to harm the integrity of Sindh.

SANA, the largest and most representative organization of Sindhis outside Sindh, sees a statement by a MQM leader — and is not at all surprised at his ignorance considering the party he represents, though – in the same light, who recently stated that at the time of partition of India, Karachi was not a part of Sindh!

The statement, SANA reminds, by the ignorant leader of a known terrorist organization is in the fashion of the false claims his forefathers filed on the valuable evacuee properties in Sindh at the time of partition and laid the foundation stone of unrelenting corruption which Pakistan is deeply mired into to date. His forefathers’ greed was limited to a house, or a shop, he has the audacity to claim the whole city!

SANA is highly concerned that whenever the political or real masters of the country want to twist the arm of PPP in order to cut a deal with it, they attack Sindh. It needs to be made clear to them that even if a deal is made with the rulers by the PPP under duress, Sindhis will not accept anything against the interests of Sindh. Sindh is not PPP and this needs to be understood by the masters of the country.

SANA would like to remind the rulers that any word spoken against Sindh, its geographical unity, its culture, its language, etc. rather than benefiting anyone, causes an irreparable loss to the integrity of the country. Sindhis feel more and more alienated with each attack on Sindh by the benighted rulers of the country.

SANA wants to reiterate that if any harm is caused to the country due to this unremitting foolish and arrogant attitude of the rulers of the country against Sindh, they and they only will be responsible for that.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


SANA EC announces new SEHCAR سهڪار Fund to help Sindh with COVID-19 situation and beyond

The world is facing the gravest of all health emergencies in the form of COVID-19 pandemic. USA being the worst hit country in the world, Sindh, our ancestral land, is not faring better either. The difference is USA is better equipped to handle the situation, Sindh, on the other hand, needs help. We, in the North America, need to come forward with any assistance we can provide to our less fortunate loved ones in Sindh in any way and form we can.

However, we understand that COVID-19 is a transient issue, which hopefully will be taken care of soon, EC feels that SANA should always be prepared to provide assistance on the immediate basis as and when needed. Considering that, SANA is announcing a new fund which will be called SEHCAR (SANA Emergency, Healthcare and Calamity Assistance and Relief) سهڪار fund. This will be a permanent fund and members will be able to donate money towards it on the year-long basis. The money from the fund will be disbursed anytime an emergency situation hits members in North America or people in Sindh.

The Executive Council (EC) of SANA has approved two COVID-19 related initiatives taking effect immediately:

1. Through this posting, I call upon the Fundraising Committee (FC) of SANA, led by Dr. Aijaz Turk, to mobilize its resources and efforts and start generating funds for COVID-19 relief. Ada Moazam Bhangar, has some ideas how SANA can provide immediate help to the Coronavirus-hit Sindh. I have spoken with him and requested him to coordinate that. Ada Mushtaq Rajpar, who possesses excellent fundraising skills has been requested to help the FC in generating the finances for the fund. Your donations can be sent to SANA treasurer under SANA fund until a separate account is created for the fund. Please mention SEHCAR in the memo field. All the funds collected in the name of SEHCAR will go for the COVID-19 assistance for now.

2. In the situation where all the school and learning institutions are closed indefinitely, a request was made by the coordinator of SANA’s Sindh School System (SSS) project, Nazeer Tunio, for financial assistance to procure tablets for the students financed by the SSS project. He requested US$15,000/ The amount was immediately arranged by Dr. Aijaz Turk. SANA members do not have to do anything further in this regard. Ada Zahid and I talked about it and since the funds have already been arranged, they will be issued for the intended purpose immediately.

SANA Fundraising Committee will work on raising money immediately. Please donate your funds generously in the newly created SEHCAR Fund of SANA so that we can be able to provide assistance to Sindh in a timely manner.


Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


Honorable Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan

RE: An Appeal to Honorable Justices of Pakistan Supreme Court to not allow the federal government to usurp Sindh’s land resources.

In a subsequent offer by the Developer accepted by the Court, the Developer agreed to pay a total of Rs. 460 billions. The Developer paid Rs. 25 billion immediately and the remaining balance is to be paid over a period of seven (7) years in instalments.

In similar cases pertaining to the lands of Native Americans, where such lands were used for government and private projects without proper agreements, the US Courts used similar rationale to award compensation to local Native American communities. In another case, The Indian courts have used the “Right To Fair Compensation And Transparency In Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation And Resettlement Act, 2013” for compensation to the individuals whose lands were acquired and for the social development of local communities.

It is apparent that the justices of the Supreme Court in the two decisions to this matter described above were substantially concerned with the unfair compensation paid for the lands pertaining to developer’s super highway project spreading over 16,896 acres. We believe that court’s order of accepting settlement fund, should not be treated as blanket letter of further purchase, transfer and occupation of land of historic villages in and around Bahria Town Karachi.

We believe despite clear court order (May 2019), Bahria Town continues to expand its construction on over 41,000 acres of land as reported by the English newspaper Dawn.

Bahria Town Karachi continues to violate the court order. We request the Supreme Court of Pakistan to appoint provincial officials to monitor the expansion of the Bahria Town and make sure that Bahria Town follows court orders.

SANA believes people of Sindh have been robbed by the people in power and their collaborators like Bahria Town. Without enforcing the writ of the State, land grabbing mafias will continue to inflict pain, deprivation and loss of homes to native people.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


SANA deeply distressed over highhandedness of government agencies in Karachi

On behalf of the Sindhi Association of North America (SANA), we appeal to you not to authorize transfer of Bahria Town Karachi land settlement fund to the Federal government of Pakistan. Instead, we request that you order this fund to be given to provincial government of Sindh and bind the provincial government to spent the fund amount on compensation of large number of poor people who were uprooted from their lands, lost livelihood in the area, and launching of an incremental housing scheme for low-middle income residents for those villages, who continue to live in medieval age living conditions.

In our understanding there is no ambiguity in the Pakistan’s constitution as far as the land ownership is concerned: land is a provincial subject, thus Sindh should not be robbed its rightful lawn ownership. The federal government has no legal standing to receive any fund from this illegal allotment to Bahria Town scheme in Karachi. SANA is of the opinion: the Article 78 of the Constitution, as claimed by the Federal Government has no relevance to this situation as the amount was ordered for violations of the provincial laws and rights.

The Supreme court decided that the grant of land by the Sindh Board of Revenue to the Malir Development Authority (MDA), and the MDA’s subsequent exchange of land with Bahria Town for the Malir District Housing Project (Project), were all illegal and were by a collusion among these parties. MDA was prohibited from transferring the land, as it violated the provisions of the Government Lands Act, 1912.

The Court ruled that the developer instead of launching an “incremental housing scheme” to facilitate low-middle income residents launched a massive commercial venture. The Court further said that as much of the work had already been done by the Bahria Town and a third-party interest has been created, the land could be granted to the Bahria Town under a set of revised terms.

According to the reports making rounds on social media and carried by newspapers, personnel of a uniformed law enforcement agency, accompanied by a few persons in civil clothes, attacked the house of the convenor of Voice of Missing Persons, Sorath and Sasui Lohar, in Sachal Goth, Karachi, and attempted to forcibly kidnap their 16 years old minor brother Sanghar Lohar. When ladies tried to resist the kidnapping, they were manhandled and badly beaten by the armed personnel.

Reminding the government of its constitutional responsibility to protect and safeguard every citizen’s right to life and property, SANA expresses its deep concern at the ever-growing number of enforced disappearances in Sindh. The father of Sasui, Sorath and Sanghar is already missing for the last several years.

It is appropriate to remind the government that not very long time ago, the chief spokesperson of Pakistan Army instructed the news media in Pakistan to show the positive side of Pakistan. SANA feels that such blatant acts of highhandedness by the government agencies such as performed in Sachal Goth, Karachi, will not help in presenting a very positive side of the country.


SANA feels that in today’s world where news spreads fast thanks to social media, the excesses committed by the government agencies will not remain hidden from the world, and, aside from alienating and antagonizing a large section of country’s own population, will badly hurt country’s image internationally.


SANA, originally formed in 1984, is the largest representative, democratic and mainstream organization of Sindhis living outside Sindh. Since its members have a great stake in Pakistan and its affairs, SANA strongly supports the struggle for democracy, rule of law, independent judiciary and issues such as, girl education and women empowerment.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


SANA concerned over Dam frenzy in Pakistan

Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) has expressed grave concern over the continued disregard for the water rights of the lower riparian areas in Pakistan. In a statement issued in Austin, Texas today, SANA president, Mr. Mohammad Ali Mahar expressed shock over the renewed, extremely divisive dams’ frenzy that threatens the rights of the lower riparian areas of Indus River.

SANA president said it is distressing to see that Islamabad has consistently shown total disregard for the point of view of the lower riparian province, specially the tragic situation in the coastal districts of Sindh where over 3 million acres of fertile land and several towns and villages have come under sea intrusion. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people have lost their livelihood and they have been displaced from their homes. They have never been paid any compensation and no government, present or past, has ever put in place legally binding safeguards to save depleting southern delta and Indus river ecosystem.

The statement said, no obstruction on River Indus will be acceptable that has any latent or obvious potential to divert or choke the free flow of Indus. Statement further added that water regimes have been imposed on Sindh without province’s representation.

It said the SANA executive Council has formed a “SANA Indus Water Rights Committee” to work with various subject matter experts, stake holders and friends of the lower riparian to study the issue and find solutions for mitigation of risks and threats to the collective human and water rights of lower riparian.

The proposed Indus Water Rights Committee will be authorized to represent SANA.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


SANA mourns the death of great Sindhi leader and intellectual, Rasool Bakhsh Palijo.

Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) in a press statement issued in Austin, TX, today, has expressed deep grief and sorrow at the demise of a great leader, a lawyer and an intellectual par excellence, Mr. Rasool Bakhsh Palijo.

“A fighter by nature”, the statement noted, “Mr. Palijo never gave in to the forces of tyranny and injustice. Throughout his 89 years of life, he struggled to bring about a positive change in the lives of fellow human beings. A sage, who taught generations of Sindhis the value of freedom and meaning of patriotism, is no more with us.”

All through his life, Mr. Palijo fought politically, legally and through his pen for the marginalized people of Sindh. Sindhi nation especially cannot forget the heroic role he played in the restoration of democracy movement during the dark days of dictator Ziaul Haque, as a result of which he was incarcerated for a prolonged time by the martial law regime. Amnesty International declared him a “Prisoner of Conscience”.

A voracious reader and a keen student of politics, he introduced the same kind of romanticism and idealism to Pakistani politics as espoused by Nelson Mandela, Mao Zedong, and other great revolutionaries.

With Mr. Palijo’s death, the nation, especially Sindh, has become poorer.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) has expressed complete solidarity with the struggle for immediate recovery & release of missing persons in Sindh.

In a statement issued in Austin, Texas today, SANA urged the government agencies to stop unlawful arrests, abductions, torture and murder of activists and innocent people. It said rule of law must be established and all unconstitutional, illegal and unlawful activities must stop.

SANA strongly condemned the attack by Sindh police & rangers on the hunger strike camp organized by the relatives of the missing persons in Sindh at Karachi Press Club. During the attack on the peaceful protest camp at KPC, brute force and violence was used against the participants and specially women who had gathered at the camp to demand the release of their loved ones some of whom have been missing for several months and in some cases for years. Government agencies also took away four workers from the camp. SANA also condemned police action against the protest camp at National Press Club in Islamabad demanding release of missing persons from Sindh and elsewhere.

SANA statement said in a democracy, it is people’s basic right to gather, protest and freely express their opinion. The government and its institutions must respect the law and should not use force, violence or strong arm tactics against the people demanding justice and rule of law. SANA said the Constitution guarantees the safety, security and basic human rights of the citizens. No law allows undeclared arrests and abductions of the citizens and their torture and murder. The statement said government must produce all the missing persons, release them from unlawful detention and if there is any case against any missing person, it should be brought to a court of law.

SANA urged the government to respect law of the land and avoid following law of jungle. Unlawful, unjust and brutal policies will give birth to more unrest among the people and impair and undermine the security situation and stability of the country. Government should listen to the people, try to solve their problems instead of using brute force against them and create more problems and fissures in the society.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


سنڌي ايسوسيئيشن آف نارٿ آمريڪا پاران کنڀي گُم ڪيل ماڻهن جي آزادي لاءِ هلندڙ جدوجهد جي مڪمل حمايت جو اعلان

سنڌي ايسوسيئيشن آف نارٿ آمريڪا سنڌ مان کنڀي گُم ڪيل ماڻهن جي آزادي لاءِ هلندڙ جدوجهد جي مڪمل حمايت ڪري ٿي. سانا پنهنجي جاري ڪيل بيان ۾ رياستي ايجنسين تي زور ڀريندي چيو آهي ته بنا دير ڪارڪنن ۽ ٻين بيگناهه ماڻهن کي کنڀي گم ڪرڻ، تشدد ۽ قتل و غارت وارو سلسلو بند ڪيو وڃي

سانا، کنڀي گم ڪيل ماڻهن جي بازيابي لاءِ سندن واثن پاران ڪراچي پريس ڪلب تي لڳايل بک هڙتال ڪئمپ تي پوليس ۽ رينجرز جي ڪيل حملي جي سخت لفظن ۾ مذمت ڪري ٿي. حملي دوران پر امن بک هڙتال ڪئمپ ۾ شريڪ ماڻهن ۽ خاص طور تي انهن عورتن خلاف ڏاڍ ۽ تشدد جو مظاهرو ڪيو ويو جن جا پيارا مهينن ۽ سالن کان کنڀي گُم ڪيا ويا آهن. رياستي ايجنسين پاران بک هڙتال تي ويٺل وڌيڪ چئن ڄڻن کي کنڀي اڻ ڄاتل هنڌ منتقل ڪيو ويو

سانا سنڌ مان گُم ٿيل ماڻهن جي بازيابي لاءِ اسلام آباد جي نيشنل پريس ڪلب آڏو لڳايل احتجاجي ڪئمپ تي پوليس حملي جي پڻ سخت مذمت ڪري ٿي

سانا جي صدر محمد علي مهر جو چوڻ آهي ته پنهنجي حقن لاءِ آواز اٿارڻ، احتجاج ۽ جلسا ڪرڻ عوام جو بنيادي ۽ جمهوري حق آهي. حڪومت ۽ سندس ادارن کي قانون جو احترام ۽ پنهنجي حق ۽ انصاف لاءِ جدوجهد ڪندڙ ماڻهن خلاف ڏاڍ، جبر ۽ تشدد وارا حربا استعمال ڪرڻ کان پاسو ڪرڻ گهرجي. هن چيو ته ملڪ جو آئين پنهنجي شهرين جي جان ۽ مال جي حفاظت ۽ بنيادي حقن جي ضمانت ڏئي ٿو. سندس چوڻ آهي ته ڪو به قانون شهرين کي کنڀي گم ڪرڻ، تشدد يا قانون کان مٿانهين قتل جي اجازت نه ٿو ڏئي

بيان ۾ مطالبو ڪيو ويو آهي ته بنا دير سمورا کنڀي گُم ڪيل ماڻهو غير قانوني قيد مان آزاد ڪري ظاهر ڪيا وڃن ۽ جيڪڏهن سندن خلاف ڪو ڪيس آهي ته کين ملڪي عدالتن ۾ پيش ڪيو وڃي. سانا حڪومت کان مطالبو ڪندي چيو آهي ته جهنگ جي قانون کان پاسو ڪري ملڪي قانون تي عمل ڪيو وڃي. اڻ برابري، ظلم، ڏاڍ ۽ ناانصافيون معاشري ۾ وڌيڪ نفرت ۽ ملڪي سلامتي لاءِ پڻ خطرو بڻجي سگهن ٿيون

حڪومت کي معاشري ۾ وڌيڪ مسئلا، انتشار ۽ ماڻهن خلاف طاقت جي استعمال ڪرڻ بدران سندن مسئلا ٻڌڻ ۽ ترجحي بنيادن تي حل ڪرڻ گهرجن
محمد علي مهر
صدر سانا
سنڌي ايسوسيئشن آف نارٿ امريڪا


Austin, TX – USA


.سانا سنڌ حڪومت پاران مذهبي جماعت مجلس رابطا دعوت اسلامي کي ڏيڍ سئو ايڪڙ زمين ڏيڻ واري معاملي تي خدشا ظاهر ڪري ڇڏيا

سنڌي ايسوسيئيشن آف نارٿ آمريڪا، سنڌ حڪومت پاران مذهبي جماعت مجلسِ رابطا، دعوت اسلامي کي ڏيڍ سئو ايڪڙ زمين الاٽ ڪرڻ واري معاملي تي سخت ڳڻتي جو اظهار ڪيو آهي. سانا پاران جاري ڪيل هڪ پريس بيان ۾ چيو ويو آهي ته سنڌ پهرين ئي مذهبي ۽ فرقيواراڻي انتهاپسندي جي باهه ۾ سڙي رهي آهي ويتر سنڌ حڪومت جي اهڙي عمل سان مذهبي انتهاپسندي کي هٿي ملندي. سانا سنڌ حڪومت کان پرزور مطالبو ٿي ڪري ته سنڌ جون زمينون مذهبي ۽ سياسي تنظيمن کي ڏيڻ واري پاليسي بنا دير ختم ڪئي وڃي


سانا پاران جاري ڪيل بيان ۾ چيو ويو آهي ته سنڌ حڪومت سدائين قبضه خورن جي پٺڀرائي ڪري سنڌ جي سوين ڳوٺن ۽ قديم وسندين کي ڊاهڻ ۽ هزارين ايڪڙ زمينن تي قبضا ڪرائڻ ۾ ملوث رهي آهي. سانا، سنڌ حڪومت پاران من پسند ماڻهن، بحريه فائونڊيشن ۽ ڊفينس سوسائٽي سميت مختلف نالن تي سنڌ جون زمينون ڀڳڙن مُٺ تي وڪرو ڪرڻ واري عمل تي پڻ سخت اعتراض واريا آهن


سنڌي ايسوسيئيشن آف نارٿ آمريڪا سنڌ حڪومت کان پرزور مطالبو ڪندي چيو آهي ته سياسي، مذهبي ۽ من پسند ماڻهن کي زمينون ڏيڻ وارو فيصلو واپس وٺي انهن کي سنڌ جي عوام جي سهولت ۽ بهتري لاءِ ڪتب آندو وڃي


محمد علي مهر
صدر سانا
سنڌي ايسوسيئشن آف نارٿ امريڪا

Austin, TX – USA


SANA concerned over land allotment to religious group

Sindhi Association of North America, SANA, has expressed great concern over the news reports that the Sindh government is considering allotment of 150 acres of land to a religious organization, Majlis-e-Rabita, Dawat-e-Islami, Karachi, Sindh to promote its activities under the name of Dawat-e-Islami Trust.

In a statement, issued in Austin, TX today, SANA said that the province is already facing religious and sectarian extremism and the policy to show favoritism to one religious group or sect over the others will create more problems. SANA urged the Sindh government to stop its policy of giving away Sindh lands for any religious, sectarian or political purposes.

SANA also strongly objected to the grant or allotment of land at throw-away prices to defense societies, Bahria Foundation and such other outfits. The statement said Sindh government has continuously been accused of helping land grabbers to destroy hundreds of old villages and occupy thousands of acres of land belonging to poor farmers in various districts of the province.

SANA called upon the Sindh government to reverse its land allotment policies and use the land for the benefit of the people of the province and lawful purposes.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


SANA considers Jam Saqi’s death
an irreparable loss to humanity, especially Sindh

Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) has expressed profound grief and sorrow at the sad demise of a legendary progressive, leftist, Marxist Sindhi leader Comrade Jam Saqi. In a statement issued in Austin, Texas, SANA paid rich tributes to the fallen hero of the 4th March, 1967 movement when Sindhi students had risen against the Martial Law regime of General Ayub Khan. In the coming years, Comrade Jam Saqi became symbol of resistance against tyranny of various dictatorial regimes and a strong voice for peasants, labour, working class and downtrodden.

The statement noted that comrade Jam Saqi had become active in student politics in 1960s. He was General Secretary of Hyderabad Students Federation and later founder president of Sindh National Students Federation. He was in the forefront of the struggle against One Unit and the demand to publish voter lists in Sindhi in late 1960s. Jam Saqi was a leftist progressive leader who struggled for democracy, rule of law, peoples’ rights and the rights of peasants and labour. Injustices against working class and downtrodden brought him close to the Marxist ideology. He joined the Communist Party of Pakistan and later became General Secretary of the party.

Jam Saqi was a sincere, tireless and hardworking political activist who gave the true meaning to the word ‘Comrade’. He suffered immensely for his political activism and his principles facing severe hardships.. His family was also put under tremendous stress forcing his wife to commit suicide. Jam Saqi spent most of his political life either in prisons or remaining underground. He was subjected to severe torture at the infamous dungeons of the Lahore Fort also under military dictatorship. All of that couldn’t break his resolve to be on the side of the working class.

Another great aspect of Jam’s legacy was creation and mentoring of a large number of active political workers across the country. His demise comes as a tragic loss and shock to all his friends and the activists who struggled along side with him.

SANA salutes the courage and the valiant struggle of Jam Saqi for democracy and peoples’ rights and sends condolences to his family and well wishers.. His sad demise is a great loss to the working class, peasants and pro-democracy forces in the country.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


SANA considers Jam Saqi’s death
an irreparable loss to humanity, especially Sindh

Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) has expressed profound grief and sorrow at the sad demise of a legendary progressive, leftist, Marxist Sindhi leader Comrade Jam Saqi. In a statement issued in Austin, Texas, SANA paid rich tributes to the fallen hero of the 4th March, 1967 movement when Sindhi students had risen against the Martial Law regime of General Ayub Khan. In the coming years, Comrade Jam Saqi became symbol of resistance against tyranny of various dictatorial regimes and a strong voice for peasants, labour, working class and downtrodden.

The statement noted that comrade Jam Saqi had become active in student politics in 1960s. He was General Secretary of Hyderabad Students Federation and later founder president of Sindh National Students Federation. He was in the forefront of the struggle against One Unit and the demand to publish voter lists in Sindhi in late 1960s. Jam Saqi was a leftist progressive leader who struggled for democracy, rule of law, peoples’ rights and the rights of peasants and labour. Injustices against working class and downtrodden brought him close to the Marxist ideology. He joined the Communist Party of Pakistan and later became General Secretary of the party.

Jam Saqi was a sincere, tireless and hardworking political activist who gave the true meaning to the word ‘Comrade’. He suffered immensely for his political activism and his principles facing severe hardships.. His family was also put under tremendous stress forcing his wife to commit suicide. Jam Saqi spent most of his political life either in prisons or remaining underground. He was subjected to severe torture at the infamous dungeons of the Lahore Fort also under military dictatorship. All of that couldn’t break his resolve to be on the side of the working class.

Another great aspect of Jam’s legacy was creation and mentoring of a large number of active political workers across the country. His demise comes as a tragic loss and shock to all his friends and the activists who struggled along side with him.

SANA salutes the courage and the valiant struggle of Jam Saqi for democracy and peoples’ rights and sends condolences to his family and well wishers.. His sad demise is a great loss to the working class, peasants and pro-democracy forces in the country.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)

Austin, TX – USA


SANA Joins in mourning the death of great human rights crusader, Asma Jahangir

Sindhi Association of North American (SANA), in a press statement issued today, has expressed deep shock and sorrow over the death of the great human rights warrior, Asma Jahangir.

Asma Jahangir, the statement said, was embodiment of reason and justice, who spent her entire life fighting against the forces of tyranny and injustice. She was a fearless warrior for the rule of law who did not care for her life when it came to resisting injustice or defending truth.

Asma Jahangir remained a beacon of resistance against injustice. In her death the world has lost one of the greatest crusaders for human rights and justice, whose void will take a long time to fill.

SANA extends deeply felt condolences to the world human rights community.

Mohammad Ali Mahar
Sindhi Association of North America (SANA)




The Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) has expressed grief and condolences with the family of renowned consultant and life member of SANA Ali Nawaz Memon, who passed away in Maryland on December 30,2022. 

SANA President Dr. Maqbool Halepota, General Secretary Mushtaq Rajpar and Information Secretary Iftekhar Memon, along with other executive committee members, in their statement said Ali Nawaz Memon was heart and soul of our community organization, a generous man who helped hundreds of families in need here in North America and in Sindh.

Mr. Memon’s lifelong community service, leadership and support to SANA will always be remembered, and SANA recognized his commitment to collective objectives by awarding him the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2022. Statement further added that “Mr. Memon’s legacy of social services, investment in future generation, education and skill development will be carried out by SANA, following his footsteps, Sindhi community in North America will continue its support to people in Sindh in various sectors.  




Saturday, January 28, 2023


Washington D.C. (Press Release)

The Sindhi Association of North America’s Executive Committee expresses deep sorrow and condolences on sudden and sad demise to prominent member of Sindhi community in California Sa’een Nadeem Junejo.

SANA President Dr. Maqbool Halepota, General Secretary Mushtaq Rajpar, Treasurer Ajiaz ul Haq Memon and Information Secretary Iftikhar Memon, in their statement said Mr. Nadeem Junejo will be remembered by the family, friends and Sindhi community for his services, kind and helpful character.

Mr. Junejo volunteered his services for SANA, back in 1995 he was member of Election Commission which was headed by Zia Memon, which oversaw SANA elections. Mr. Junejo moved to US in 1980s and worked at UBL New York. Later moved to California to lead and manage Habib American Bank. 

SANA Statement further added that everyone in Sindhi community loved him, his circle of influence was too vast. Sometimes Sindhis traveling as part of Pakistan delegation, or Sindhi MPA, MNAs, visiting US, or attending UN assembly, would stay at his apartment in Queens New York, and deliberated on Sindh issues until midnight. 

He was gem of a person, will always be missed. He leaves behind his wife and daughter.