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Event : 01
SANA Advocacy & Rights Committee (ARC) Zoom Webinar:
Mr. Naseer Memon, a Consultant Climate Change, Disaster Management, Livelihoods and Resettlement * to the influx of people from neighboring countries and impact on demography of sindh. SANA- ARC conducted a successful Zoom Webinar on 5th February 2023. Distinguish speakers from Sindh highlighted main issues related to census 2023 schedule to being from March 2023. Mr. Fazalullah Qureshi former chief economist of Pakistan, chief executive federal bank of cooperative, Chairman National Tariff Commission, Federal Secretary Planning & Development, and Secretary Statistics Division. Pointed out serious issues related to the census being healed five years earlier then the actual time.
Mr. Naseer Memon, a Consultant Climate Change, Disaster Management, Livelihoods and Resettlement also made SANA-ARC aware of his views based on ground realities in Sindh particularly rural areas. Mr. Shahab Usto, a well known Lawyer, Columnist, social activist and communitarian raised issues pertaining to the influx of people from neighboring countries and impact on demography of sindh.
Event : 02
SANA - Youth Game Night Event:
SYNA team hosted their first event of the year successfully in Toronto, Canada on February 18 2023. The credit for the flawless execution of the event goes to Surhan Memon Vice president Youth, Rahul Bhimani VP Canada, Shahida Shaikh VP Women, and the entire SYNA team. The event was held in a centrally located venue and the food was arranged perfectly to cater to the taste buds of the guests. The evening was full of fun and excitement, with multiple icebreaker games, musical chairs, and board games organized for the attendees. The games were designed to encourage interaction among the Sindhi youth community and to help them get to know each other BETTER.
The event was a great opportunity for the youth of our Sindhi community to come together, socialize, and exchange ideas. It provided them with a platform to showcase their talents and connect with other individuals who speak the same language. The SYNA team successfully created an environment where everyone felt welcomed and included. Overall, the event was a resounding success, thanks to the tireless efforts of the SYNA team. It not only provided a memorable experience for the attendees but also strengthened the sense of community within the Sindhi youth. Hopefully we will have many more events like this to come.

Event : 03
The Sindhi Association of North America’s Advocacy and Rights Committee (SANA-ARC) hosted a conference on “Census 2023: A Sindh Perspective ” on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at the Arts Council Pakistan, Karachi, Sindh. This was a representative conference of political parties, civil society leaders and concerned citizens of Sindh on the question of census.
SANA-ARC Chairman Dr. Valeed Shaikh and Dr. Aijaz Turk represented Advocacy and right committee. SANA was represented by Asghar Pathan, Vice President USA, Khair Muhammad Kolachi former President GTA Chapter, Attaullah Mallah, President Edmonton Chapter, Attaullah Shaikh, President Washington DC, Syed Naqeeb Musavai former General Secratry Ontario Chapter, Dr. Shahid Qureshi, former President GTA Chapter and Sabrina Lakho, member from Chicago. Leadership and/or representative of main stream parties such as Sindh Tarqi Pasand Party, PPP, GDA, Awami Tahreek, Sindhiyani Tahreek, Qaumi Awami Tahreek, JSQM, Jeay Sindh Mahaz, JUI-F, Awami Jamhoori Party (AJP), Awami Workers Party, Sindh Vision and others shared their views on the issue.
SANA-ARC shared its collective point of view in the form of position paper, drafted by Naseer Memon and Fazalullah Qureshi.
Event : 04
Help for Rato Dero Student:

Event : 05

Event : 06
SANA - Housing Project
SANA to build 100 homes in flood-hit areas in Sindh
Washington D.C. (Press Release)
The Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a Sindh based non-profit Ali Hasan Mangi Memorial Trust (AHMMT) to build 100 low-cost homes in the flood-affected areas in Sindh.
SANA President Dr. Maqbool Halepota and AHMMT’s Project Manager Ramz Ali have entered into an agreement on behalf of both organizations. Under the MoU, which outlines the division of financial and operational responsibilities between both organizations, SANA will provide Rs. 10 million for the construction of homes while AHMMT will carry out community outreach and prepare beneficiaries to contribute their share. The project is estimated to be completed by June 30, 2023. SANA Vice President Asghar Pathan represented SANA during the MoU signing and project launching ceremony, held at AHMMT’s Community Center in Village Khairo Dero, District Larkano, Sindh.
“The scale of the disaster is huge and unless the government, international organizations and non-profits come together and pool their resources and expertise to take up the responsibility, Sindh will not be rebuilt and people will continue to be shelterless,” Dr. Halepoto said in a statement.
AHMMT, which helped over 50,000 people in 250 villages during flood relief in August-September 2022, has already assisted over 700 families to build homes as part of their reconstruction project and have several others at various stages of construction.
“What is most essential is getting people to participate in the reconstruction process and they are more than willing to do so,” AHMMT’s Ramz Ali said in a statement. “Our approach is to use local materials, simple and functional construction that is sturdy and site supervision to ensure timely completion.”
SANA General Secretary Mushtaq Rajpar said that SANA aims to sign similar agreements with other non-profits to build more homes in flood affected in Sindh. In total, SANA plans to build 140 homes.
Earlier, in collaboration with J.S. Bank, SANA had supported free medical camps in the worst affected areas of Sindh and had distributed food among displaced people.
Event : 07
Women’s Day Celebration:

Event : 08
Help for Rato Dero Student:

Event : 09
Launch of Sindhi Association of North America Ali Nawaz Memon Memorial Empowerment Fund (SANA-ANMEF):
Objective: This fund (SANA-ANMEF) will help young men and women of Sindh by providing micro-loans as a Qarz-e-Hasna for (1) vocational/trade education and training and (2) starting small businesses.
SANA-ANMEF will be run under the Chairman/Chairwoman appointed by the SANA EC.
The Chairman/Chairwoman, with the approval of the SANA-EC, will appoint committee members.
The SANA-ANMEF committee will select deserving recipients and disburse the microloans.
The SANA-ANMEF committee will make every effort to track and monitor the progress of the loan recipients.
The Chairman/Chairwoman will document all the committee affairs, submit reports twice a year to the SANA EC, and update whenever asked by the SANA-EC.
Event : 10
President’s Visits:

Event : 11
Hur Movement on 80th anniversary of
Suriah Badshah Pir Pagaro V

Event : 12
Conferene: Will Sindh Submerge Again?
The Sindhi Association of North America (SANA) and the Sindh Development Watch, (a civil society initiative) are jointly hosting a seminar on Thursday, April 13, 2013, 3 pm, at the Arts Council in Karachi.
Our Land After Floods:
Will Sindh Submerge Again?
Experts, activists and concerned citizens will examine the post-flood situation, the unlearned and forgotten lessons of the past floods.